If trouble makers had their way; the sets of Rann could well have become a 'ranbhoomi' of sorts for Gul Panag and Ram Gopal Varma to indulge into some verbal and possibly electronic battle. Reason? A few days back, Gul received a comment from Ram Gopal Varma on one of the blogs on her website. The comment was quite harsh and below the belt as Ramu apparently blasted Gul for the way she had written the blog, both structurally as well as thematically.
"I was literally dumb founded as Ramu was otherwise so nice to me on the sets. I never expected him to express his outburst in such a manner and that too in a public forum. I read his comment not just once or twice but multiple times. However, it was difficult for me to get out of it for days at stretch", reveals Gul who still shudders with the very remembrance of the comments that came her way.
Though she continued to shoot for ‘Rann’, at the back of her mind she always remembered the verbal thrashing that she received from her director. Moreover, to her surprise, Ramu seemed absolutely normal and business like while explaining scenes to her on the sets.
"I was continuing to be quite upset though since I expected him to be a gentleman in his approach. I was in two minds to get back to my laptop and give him back by replying to him on the blog. I guess I have been quite prominent on the literary circuits and believe that I have a good command over the language. There was no way I was going to take anything like that lying down", Gul goes back down the memory lane. However, enough was enough for Gul and instead of keying her thoughts on the blog, she decided to have a conversation with Ramu.
"I thought it would be in the best of everyone's interest if we talk it out rather than getting into an electronic duel", says Gul, "So I walked up to Ramu and asked him what he felt about my blog and what exactly did he mean by those comments that he posted. Imagine my horror though when it was his turn to be shocked now!"
Why, what happened? "Well, he was completely ignorant about any such incident and stated that it wasn't him who had posted a comment. I too got red faced but then pretty much relieved. As it turned out, it was some impostor who just wanted his silly moment of fun and attempted breaking a professional tie. It's so stupid actually since he/she almost got me on the edge. But yes, now I too would be more careful about assessing a comment coming from a real v/s a fake contributor", smiles Gul.
Source: http://www.screenindia.com