AMERICAN singer Rihanna is the latest to become embroiled in a nude photo scandal with images of the star leaked on the internet.
Of the photos, only two show the singer's face. The others reveal her naked body and backside but her face is hidden from view.The photos were reportedly taken at The London West Hollywood hotel, where Rihanna once stayed with her former boyfriend Chris Brown.
In one image, a woman who bears a resemblance to the singer takes a photo of her reflection in the bathroom mirror.There is a message on the mirror which reads: "I love you Robyn. I miss you". Robyn is Rihanna's real first name.
The singer, who attended a charity event with Kylie Minogue in New York on Thursday night, is yet to respond to the claims.The scandal comes as her former boyfriend Brown faces charges relating to an alleged assault on Rihanna earlier this year.
She suffered cuts, bruising and bites during the attack which shocked fans. The couple attempted to reconcile but have since split up.
Source: http://www.smh.com.au